You can always count on that one important email to get lost in spam land. And checking out the mountains of reject emails in my spam box, I find it amazing the "subject lines" that spammers send hoping you'll open up for their pitch of sex, money, drugs, or whatever they're trying to sell.
These are all true:
This is the "we'll get you so mad at us you'll just have to open our mail to you"--
Subject line: "what a stupid face you have here benson"
"benson is a moron"
And the ever popular: :we'll get you to open this mail because you'll think...
what??!!! I ordered something???"
Subject Line : "Fwd.YourPharmaacyOrder no.87549345"
AND: "Order Reminder: #2755026310"
OR: "FDA Customer Notification: Order"
Of course, everyone is going to open this just to peek-
"Scarlett Johansson spotted in see-through bikini "
"Scarlett Johansson spotted topless in Cannes "
but if you really did open this email just to take a quick look at Scarlett--
it said:
"lengthen your tool today" My tool??!! No thanks, my tool is fine.
How Great Is This Children’s Book About Feelings?
11 hours ago
my fave spam ever and one which actually launched a manuscript was:
Her face looked like a wedding cake left out in the rain.
(ooh and MizFit is getting a big shout out on monday. here's hoping it nudges me ever closer to THAT agent procuring as well. For MizFitness)
I would probably open that spam with that subjectline! High5! Congrats to you! Can't wait till Monday!!
It's Hungry Girl.
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