Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Flag Frenzy

What ever happened to the good ole 4th of July? Picnics, family, friends, fireworks...a down home, kicked back, relaxed sort of holiday. It was a holiday meant for summer...throw a couple of hot dogs on the grill, whip up some potato salad, pop open a brewsky, and you got yourself a fourth to be proud of. All of a sudden it's become this hoo haw of buying red and white and blue ribbons, flag t-shirts, hats with flags and fireworks, and festooning the house with streamers, wooden craft cows with red bandannas, and not one flag but fifty to line the driveway! Let's relax a little, people!We used to be able to count on the 4th to be a mellow, lazy, hazy kind of holiday but now the merchandise has taken over. What's next? Labor Day?

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