Monday, March 21, 2011

snip, cut

Have you ever cut your own hair? what about the bangs? I never have. I don't even think I cut my kids bangs when they were younger. I realize it's not permanent; but the thought of having to live with bad hair by your own design is the best reason to put down the scissors and speed dial the hairdresser.


anita said...

I've cut my own hair many times.
I then have to suffer with the ramifications -- and make an emergency hair appt.

benson said...

:) just the thought of putting scissors to my hair makes my stomach flip

Callie Grayson said...

I cut my hair all the time!
I have really curly hair so you can't really tell. But I do go to a hairdresser when I need it cut short.

I also dye my own hair. I custom blend the colour. My mum owned a salon and after years of having someone else do it, I learned to blend the perfect colour for myself.


Kara said...

I have cut mine on occasion. The secret is to have hair cutting scissors and not to take too much.

Melissa Tippets said...

I just stumbled upon your blog, and I think it's amazing!!! Consider me your newest follower!
And I've never cut my own hair, because I know it would be a disaster!