I have grown to realize that I'm a "play by the rules" sort of girl. If you jet by me on the freeway (where I guarantee I'll be going the speed limit) I will smirk and say "
suckaaaaaaaaa" when I see you down the road "chatting" with a policeman.
When our photo shoot for
Dressing on the Side t-shirts (in the pic) was interrupted at the Santa Cruz boardwalk by security stating we needed permits, I was ready to walk away and call it a day. Those involved with the shoot looked at me incredulously and said "what?! of course you can take pictures...let's just keep going with it." I felt like I was involved in a crime beyond belief and was so relieved (and delighted with the results) when we finished and left for the day.
Lately I've been trying to drop a few pounds and I've heard that a food diary or
journaling what you eat is the way to go. It was only after reading nutritionist
Heather Bauer's website (she's the nutritionist that recently helped
Tyra Banks achieve her 30 pound weight loss) in regards to a food diary that I realized that not all foods were fair game. You may be counting calories but probably not the best choice to write (and eat) cookies on a daily basis.
Heather gives tips about "Dry"
carbs (don't eat those--think "white" foods) or "Juicy"
carbs (go ahead...enjoy!) and makes some great suggestions for this girl who likes to follow the rules.
*the hypocritical part of all this is that I
am okay with some breaking of the rules. For instance; I'm perfectly okay with my
mathematical wizard of a husband taking an online college class in math for me. Hey; what happens in Vegas...