Saturday, August 3, 2013


I can't believe I'm going to write the next sentence: We are moving. Again. 
There I did it. official. We will still be in Santa Barbara but in a much bigger home with more elbow room and we will be the next up and coming way to live: a multi-generational home. 
Santa Barbara rents are over the moon expensive so we put our heads together and decided that for every one to save money and to end up with a bigger (and better) living space we would be roomies and maybe. just maybe. our daughter and her family might be able to afford a house (with perhaps a lovely little guest house in the back?!)  in a year. or two. in this town they call the "American Riviera".  In 30+ days and counting down we'll be there...just think of the new photo opportunities (wink,wink).

**photo: ditte isager for bon appetit, august 2013

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