Friday, April 6, 2012


We are lucky enough to enjoy a few days off for spring holiday (otherwise known as Easter break...) and I had the pleasure of helping a friend learn the basics of eBay and wanted to snap a pic or two of her home with my new phone. yep. new phone (and her house is beyond easy to photograph.seriously; looks like a stylist set this up).
I decided on the "old" iphone4 to learn the ins and outs of new technology and I didn't really think Siri was necessary in my life at this point. Plus the $99 pricetag made it an easy choice.
Loving the camera, instagram, and texting is beyond easy with a keyboard. My old phone had me hitting the number buttons to get to the designated letter of the alphabet to communicate. I would complete a sentence while I would receive paragraphs from others.
Here's to learning new things and Happy Easter everyone!