Monday, December 19, 2011

snapshots of Paris

Bonjour everyone! Our time in Paris was wonderful but ended too quickly for me. Here are a few shots from around where our apartment was; we enjoyed the rain and everyone with their umbrellas; shot of husband in a cafe in the Marais...vintage leather chairs and a real boho vibe; cheese, pastries, the girls all in black with tights, leggings and black boots. everywhere. And Bon Marche...such a hustle bustle on the weekend. We begin our time in Provence now...more to come

1 comment:

Rolerkite said...

the first time I saw the photo of John in the cafe, I wondered why anyone would need a gigantic bowl of marshmallows :) But, that has to be the biggest bowl of sugar I've ever seen. Life must be a little sweeter in France :)