Sometimes I am such a girl.
Some of you know I have been building, designing, creating, and uploading a new
website. Let's make this clear...I HAVE NOT, BUT a hired web designer/developer has.
It's been crazy with week after week in delays and month after month of "almost-dones."
But, the website that was created turned out great...very creative, bright, colorful and perfect for our target audience of the 7-12 year old girl. The only problem we were having was that we were not able to upload our blogs or answer questions from kids because emails were not working and there was still some tweaking to be done with the "backstage" or the "plumbing" of the website. We realized that something needed to be done and realized that our frustration level was growing day by day when there was no progress.
So, I went out and found another web developer. Yes, I did. Web designer #1 was paid off so everything was on the up and up. With #1, I felt as though we were thought of as a pest near the end of our relationship and things were not being done that needed to be done....so, BAM! Found website developer #2.
I feel as though I'm a new customer. Emails on the weekend regarding the work....emails asking about this or that...wow! I feel so pampered and cared for. Now, I realize that we are in the newlywed phase....but I think I'm in love.
The girl part...web designer #1 still needs to send files,etc..to web designer #2 and I feel so awkward asking for them...sort of like claiming your stuff after a break up. Like, does #1 KNOW that we are leaving him for someone that takes care of us....completes our website? I may need to go back to #1 one day for an animation or a new game....but for now, my site belongs to #2.