Saturday, December 15, 2007
Happy 100 to me!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
With Thanksgiving and all

Sunday, November 11, 2007
A promise is a promise

While giving birth to my much anticipated new book and business, lifestyle website for tweens, and adventures of The Cupcakes Club, I have been faced with the daunting task of legal-ess-ness.
I'm not sure that's actually a word, or if there's a better word, but right now I'm claiming it. It's crazy. This is how frickin lawyers who make lots of money make lots of money. You have to constantly be covering your butt. Trademarks, copyrights, contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policies...it's just so crazy. And I, my friends, am not the kind of girl who likes to haggle over a contract like one does while buying a hand woven blanket in Mexico.
Whatever happened to the days of "a deal is a deal" or "I'll ride this train with you and we'll split everything if we make any money" or "why would somebody take that if it's not theirs?"...color me naive, color me rose-color glasses but how sweet those days must have been.
Have you ever seen the movie "It could happen to You" with Nicolas Cage and Bridget Fonda? If you have, you know where I'm at. Most favorite and memorable quote...
" A promise is a promise" ...when the cop promises the waitress one half of his unknown lottery ticket in exchange for a tip and it turns out to be a 4 million dollar winner...will he? won't he? Rent it and find out. We all like a happy ending and I suppose you've gotta go through the trials and tribulations to really appreciate it in the end. See you on The Cupcakes Club very soon!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Pickle you, kumquat
I love this commercial. It's fabulous. Just the words I would like to say to a few people I know...and it makes it so acceptable. I love it.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Way off the subject...
..but I had to tell you of the MOST AMAZING CONCERT my husband and I saw two weeks ago. I mentioned it many moons ago but when we got to the Nokia theater/Los Angeles and found out our seats were FRONT ROW CENTER we were giddy. We were silly. We were ecstatic. Yes, ladies and gentlemen...front row center for the Dixie Chicks and The Eagles and it was AMAZING. If Glenn Frey would reach out his hand and I would reach out mine we would have touched fingertips...now that my friends, is how I want to see ALL of my concerts...unreal. We heard some of the new ones before they were even out...and I'm sure "How Long" will be one of their classics...amazing!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Mail Call!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
And now introducing....

Monday, October 8, 2007
You shouldn't look...but you do

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Dancing with the ....prisoners?
These are Filipino prisoners doing a synchronized mambo dance. Isn't this wild? I have to wonder why they are in prison?! Two left feet.. and this is rehab?
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Letters we love

Saturday, September 29, 2007
A Sweet Diversion
The seasons are changing and it was time for me to clean out my closet...put away the sandals, separate the sweaters, decide if the skirt that I had not worn for the last two years was worth holding on to. I had the television on for company and I heard this song...now, to be honest, it's quite easy for me to be distracted when doing a chore I don't care to do...but hearing Alison Sudol's hauntingly, beautiful voice ( also known as A Fine Frenzy) was worth stopping the clean up to take a break for. She is such a breath of fresh air in today's music world of commercialized, made-up pop singers...talented and real.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Another taste
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
She's how old?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Does he or doesn't he?
Monday, September 10, 2007
There's always the nostalgia tour in 20 years...

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Happy Dance

Friday, August 31, 2007
Labor Day?

Friday, August 24, 2007
Make mine erasable

What's up with tattoos? In my generation nobody ever got them...a rite of passage at eighteen was...voting? Now, everyone has to get a tattoo. Some, like my son, has more than one...he has kept elbows to hands clean which is always good for a business first impression. This weekend there's a tattoo convention at the Biltmore resort in Phoenix...the Biltmore of all places ( a little stuffy and conservative...)
I was watching LA ink (spin off of Miami Ink) on TLC and the clients they show all seem to have a certain reason to mark their body for life...cancer free...a miracle child born...remembering grandpa...whatever. But then there were some, like the guy who decorated the tattoo shop, who had the owner, Kat Von D, whip one up on his entire forearm in what looked like a few hours without a moment's hesitation. I take longer to order lunch!
I love a good piece of art but I like to change the art from room to room every once in a while depending on lighting, mood, or for the thrill of it. What are you going to do when you want to move that big ass rose on your arm?
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Need a hero?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Deep Dancing Queen Thoughts
If you are a believer in the wildly popular, über successful book, DVD, CD's of "The Secret" you know that your "thoughts become things".
One of the speakers on the program was an Olympic trainer and coach who basically said that when athletes were hooked up to a brain wave recorder device and just thought about their race, portions of their brain ignited to the same level as if they were actually running the real race. In other words, they thought through the race and their brain believed they were actually performing.
So, my question...when I'm working out listening to tunes or when you're sitting watching the video and you start to imagine that you're on a pulsating strobe light of a dance floor with the music blaring...are we using up mega calories because we are imagining, believing we are dancing? I'm voting yes...now give me another piece of pie and hit the dance floor.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Has anyone ever told you...?
I found this site a year or so ago and had fun with it and now I stumbled back on to it. I'll show you mine if you show me yours- www.myheritage.com
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs

Saturday, August 4, 2007
Here comes the...

There's a potential of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people seeing it and yes, they will be judging. They want to be impressed. They want to see all the bells and whistles. And I totally feel the same way. Plus, if you want to do it right you're going to have to spend the bucks and be happy that you did and not doubt that you did.
First, you have to connect with a designer. It's like a first date. You think they're funny, creative or you think they're super smart and you admire what they do. And, the funny thing is you want them to like you so they'll work for you, "I know I'm not Sony or CocaCola...but I'm really, truly, fabulous...I could be really big and you could help me get there"...geez...color me insecure mode. I also get worried if I don't hear back from the designer immediately. I know it's Saturday morning but I'm sure they'll want to answer my email...wow, now it's Sunday and I still haven't heard back from them.
I had one designer start to work on a minimal project and basically got distracted in the middle of it and left to another project. Never told me, never filled me in. Not very good marriage material for the long haul on a website I realized and began to look for someone else... no money was exchanged, so I felt a little offended, but not abused. Back to the dating game.
When I do find that Mr. Right or Miss Fabulous I'll announce it to the world. You're invited...dress fun and casual, hope you can come.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
hi ho, hi ho
Friday, July 27, 2007
Foot Nazi

I knew I was in trouble when I asked her if I should pick out a color for my toes and she said "No, I'll do that for you. It's my room and I'll pick the color that's best for you" Hmmm...okay..some control issues going on here but hey, she might choose something perfect.
When she started rubbing and scrubbing my feet with the pumice stone I felt like my feet had turned into the catch of the day and she was slapping them around, filleting the guts out, and tearing off the outer flesh. Did this foot Nazi have any idea that this was uncomfortable on my end?
I told her that her massage on my foot was a little painful and she said she was working out the stress in my back. Yes, I know all about reflexology and how your nerves in your feet effect the rest of your body but the pain was totally gone from my back and now in the sole of my foot. What a brute! A beast! I felt like I was with the lady foot wrestler..
After all was said and done I prefer a pedicure that is more relaxing and not medicinal stress relief. My toenail polish is a pretty raspberry...not too bad but I had to take a beating to get it.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Let's have Romy be in charge!

Anyways, major disappointment for my reunion. The organizers have decided to have it in November. As in, Thanksgiving weekend November....hellooooooooooo. Does anyone else smell "hell no I'm not fighting the airport crowds, draggin my ass on an overcrowded plane , leavin my family and turkey leftovers to drive in snow and slush ruining my suede boots to see my friends who organized a reunion on the busiest holiday weekend of the year".
Monday, July 23, 2007
We are mysterious creatures; aren't we?

Last week when it was cleaning day, I went to a matinee. Solo. All by myself. Ticket for one, please. No kidding. I've always thought it was silly if you felt you couldn't go to a movie without someone accompanying you. Why not? You can't (or shouldn't) talk during the film. I suppose afterwards it would be nice to talk about the movie over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine but no matter...I've got you, babe.
I saw "Evening" with glowing performances by some of todays most wonderful actresses. I especially enjoyed seeing Meryl Streep's daughter, Mamie Gummer, playing a younger version of Meryl Streep's character. Wow..talk about look-a-likes! Thumbs up for a chick flick that's beautifully shot as well as thought provoking, and thumbs up to come home to a clean house. That's what I call an afternoon delight.
Saturday, July 21, 2007

I think I'm over the humor of a man dressing up like a woman...whatever. If you go, munch on some popcorn for me and throw in a box of raisinets.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Positively Posh

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

3 tablespoons good olive oil
Heat the olive oil in a saute pan large enough to hold all the tomatoes in one layer. Add the garlic to the oil and cook over medium heat for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes, basil, parsley, thyme, salt, and pepper. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 to 7 minutes, tossing occasionally, until the tomatoes begin to loose their firm round shape. Sprinkle with a little fresh chopped basil and parsley and serve hot or at room temperature.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Checking my vitals

Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Story
If I ever had a fantasy it would be to sing like this and own it. Brandi Carlile nails it; she lives this song...awesome.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Chit Chat free zone

I live in a "Leave it to Beaver" neighborhood. Nothing wrong with that, in fact many people from many other states have chosen to settle in our little piece of suburbia...it's a great place to live. There are lots of neighbors, dogs, a few kids, and great areas to take walks. Therein lies the problem. When I'm movin and groovin and shakin and bakin to Donna Summer, Madonna, Christina Aguilera, or whoever...I don't want to be bothered. I really just want to walk, but on the other hand I don't want to be rude to the neighbors around the area.
Lately, every morning when I walk I have been learning the fine art of reading lips while wearing the IPod. I can totally translate "hello" or "good morning" but it's the "how are you today?" or "great day for a walk" that totally throws me off and I feel like I have to unplug and say my few words of social kindness to those more slower walkers on the block that want to chit chat.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Bad Girls
Compared to some of the people I work with I might be considered cool, hip or a little funky. Compared to singer Amy Winehouse, I am vanilla. I am Polly Purebred. I am a wallflower at the grade school dance.
She has got such a thrown together, uber-cool, rebel without a cause vibe about her and you know she would just tell you to take her or leave her..."but if you leave me, you'll never know what you'll be missing."
From an article on tiscali.co.uk--
"She has the vocal prodigy bit covered. If words have already worn themselves out trying to describe the horny, sleazy, salty spiritual, worldly wise, late night, tired of bullshit, downtown, flirty, velvet resonance that makes for a great soul-jazz singer they're going to fall apart entirely over Amy."
Her popular song, Rehab,reminds me of poor Britney and her very public meltdown. The only difference is that Winehouse would be openly and honestly wearing the bald. Sometimes, bald is beautiful.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Flag Frenzy

Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Brad who?

Monday, June 25, 2007
Late bloomer

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
10 years younger with no downtime

I love Miss Barkin's comment in a recent interview when the topic of considering plastic surgery came up: “It makes me a little nervous to look like someone that doesn’t look like me.”
I think it's great to look like you...whoever you are...change the hair but leave the face the same, please.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Happy Birthday, girlfriend!

Being a woman, I am anticipating the birthday when I truly celebrate what my body has done for me the past year. I would hope my birthday wish would be for more adventures and good health with my bod in the future years. I am tired of obsessing of what my body may look like...be it too heavy, too thin (I'll let you know when that happens), bad hair days, puffy eyes, whatever the ailment may be. Hey! I'm alive and doing a pretty good job of kicking on this end.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A funny thing happened on the way to the pool

Swimming pools sing summer. Kids love to splash, adults like to swim, and everyone likes to cool off.
If you have your own backyard pool..great...this isn't directed toward you. It's those Petri dishes of community pools that I loathe and disgust.
It is hard for me to fathom how one has the temptation to swim in this mass of germs and human oils collected into a body of water known as the neighborhood pool. It totally reminds me of the Roman times and the baths they had created where everyone would go to commune, to share, to...ewwwww. It just totally grosses me out.
I know, I know...I can hear you telling me of the chemicals, the chlorine, blah,blah,blah...doesn't matter. All these human bodies sharing one body of water just wigs me out.
Some may call it a neuroses not being able to swim in a pool inhabited by unknowns. I can honestly say that I don't force others to follow my opinion on this and I allow them to use their own free will.
When my kids were younger (and obviously could swim) I would take them to the pool, sit in the lounge chair with lots of sun protection on and enjoy my time protected from the elements while they enjoyed carousing, splashing, and frolicking in the pool. Afterwards they would wonder why I insisted they take a shower and to scrub themselves clean when they returned home. Happy Summer.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
To bidet or not to bidet
It must be said. I went to Europe...of course, it had to come up. I don't have one and color me curious I wanted to know more about them. Although I knew what they were (I must admit, the first trip to Europe had me do the double take) I had decided that this trip I was going to conquer this mystery. The bidet.
Jokes were tossed about doing the laundry in it, not to rinse your toothbrush in it, and the luxury of having another sink in your hotel room but I had done my research dear reader. So, how necessary is it to one's way of life?
It's a cultural thing I would say. We like our Starbucks...they like to linger in the cafes. They stop and smell the roses while we tend to run right by them. Automatic cars are the norm for America and not so much over there. And for the bidet? They like to bathe after utilizing the lower portions of their body while we tend to call for Mr. Whipple. It's quick. It's easy. That's what we're about.
Is paper better than a quick shower? Will middle America ever ask where the bidet is at the local Holiday Inn? I don't think so. Kind of like a vacation...nice place to visit but you can't really see yourself living there.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
American in Italy
Here's the deal. When you travel you have to get in the mindset that you are on vacation. This is a time to relax...to get into the groove of the country or place you are visiting. And so, when you're in Italy, when you're in France, be prepared for a slower pace of life. Embrace it.
While we were at an outdoor restaurant at the Piazza della Signoria where a copy of the famous David by Michelangelo is placed (and what girl wouldn't want to eat with a 17 foot naked guy looking at her?) I felt like I was watching an Italian version of 90210.
I believe the schools were letting out for summer and we watched young Italian high school men and women bustling about, socializing, doing the dance. And we had front row seats.
The boys with the vespas proudly carried their helmets while the girls chain smoked like fiends. Although I wanted to smack them and ask them if they knew what tobacco was doing to their young lungs (hey, I saw BODYWORLDS) a part of me delighted that this Americano would probably climb a mountain faster than they would one day and have smoother skin while I was doing it.
Then, I remembered I was on vacation. We ordered another bottle of wine, kicked back, and enjoyed the scenery.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Here today, gone Tuscany

Monday, May 21, 2007
The living is easy

Everyone knows about summer from when they were a kid. Family vacations, you could stay out late with your friends, no homework, you went to the pool everyday...summer rocks when you're a kid.
And so I propose summer for everyone. Why not a 6-8 week break for every employee in the USA? Now, we can't take them all at the same time because summer would suck then. Everything would be closed because everyone would be on their summer holidays. So, some people can take their summer in the winter while others opt for a spring or fall summerlike break. I think we would all be much more relaxed upon returning to our places of employment and eager to welcome back a routine as well (and a paycheck).
Maybe it's a dream but maybe not. Your homework is to think of a way to get a few carefree days of summer in your life and enjoy your day to day routine that much more. Class dismissed.
Friday, May 18, 2007

At my place of employment there was a salad potluck with a buffet of salads to cool off the hungry employees for a lunchtime treat. I actually like this idea because no one can really screw up a salad, can they? Even if you're brainless you can buy a complete salad kit in a bag, bring a bowl...bada bing,bada boom..you got yourself a salad to share.
The day of the salad potluck arrives and I'm setting up the bowls of salads, adding dressings if needed, fluffing and tossing up a lunchtime to wow buffet.
In walks employee #1 and asks if she can fill her plate now because her lunchtime was booked. I said "sure, go ahead and if you need to do anything special to the salad you brought...feel free." Employee #1 says "Oh, I didn't bring a salad" and proceeds to load her plate with the other responsible people's salads!! See you later, freeloader.
Then, employee #2 comes in with a small plastic container about the size for a sandwich . Okay, I thought, it's not going to feed the entire staff but atleast she brought something. She opens it up and its a cut up apple. One frickin apple. She asks me if I think she should put some lemon juice on it because she does have a half of a lemon that she could use. I work with nutjobs by the way. Again, watching from a distance, I see her and her husband (one apple brought for the two of them) loading up for the day. And the joy of all this is when the husband goes and takes a dump in the office public bathroom just to let all of us know that he had a good lunch.
Potlucks use to be a competition of sorts. "You gotta go try Margaret's pie!" "Did you taste Dottie's meatloaf?!" It was always entertaining to see who would bring what and to try something new. Do your part, potluckers of the world...wow them at the buffet.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Save the last dance
I admit it. I'm addicted. I can't stop. I love, love, love Dancing with the Stars. As cheeseball as it sounds I just have to watch this show. I gotta tell you-- the final three contestants are excellent. They dance their feet off, they entertain us...it's like a sporting event (with two out of the final three contestants accomplished athletes...I suppose it really is). Last week I actually voted. I called in for my favorite (and by the way--he made it through!) Next week is the final show and I'll be there with my dancing shoes on.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Knock, knock

I understand from pre-movie reviews that the content of the movie gives more than the title implies but the title alone would force me to choose something else at the ticket counter. Think of it this way... would a man ever be persuaded to buy two tickets for the hilarious summer flick "Castration"?
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A feature or a flaw?

Recently a friend from college who had consumed one too many alcoholic beverages called me up and said "lissen...I bet you won't know who this is" and handed the phone to a blast from the past voice on the other end. I totally knew it was Liz from my sorority college days and I had not even thought of her for years and years. I would consider this gift a feature...my husband who needs total concentration during movies and does not want to be bothered...a flaw.
I also have amazing cell phone etiquette. I know when to talk in public places and when to say "I'll call you back later". I look with disdain at those people who talk about private matters at the grocery store or who do not acknowledge the Starbucks counter girl because they are too busy yammering on about their daughter's soccer game the night before. Can you actually feel comfortable talking to whoever about whatever in a doctor's silent waiting room filled with more people than you can count on your fingers and toes?
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Wish upon a Star