The average everyday 75 degrees in Santa Barbara is pretty hard to beat. The temps allow you to enjoy the outdoors and there is so much to enjoy in the "American Riviera". This is one of the many parks we take the girls to with a playground, a carousel ride, feeding the ducks, and this garden with the fountain, the lawn and the palm trees cheering us on.
I love a cup of joe first thing in the morning but I'm slow to build an appetite for breakfast. I like breakfast foods but if I'm rushed I don't enjoy scarfing down a bowl of cereal or a plate of eggs. I like to take my time with my first meal of the day...don't rush me please. I tend to be a morning dawdler and am always setting my alarm to allow me that leisurely pace but breakfast is never on my morning menu of things to do. What about you? Do you need that first meal before you're out the door?
I can't believe I'm going to write the next sentence: We are moving. Again. There I did it. official. We will still be in Santa Barbara but in a much bigger home with more elbow room and we will be the next up and coming way to live: a multi-generational home. Santa Barbara rents are over the moon expensive so we put our heads together and decided that for every one to save money and to end up with a bigger (and better) living space we would be roomies and maybe. just maybe. our daughter and her family might be able to afford a house (with perhaps a lovely little guest house in the back?!) in a year. or two. in this town they call the "American Riviera". In 30+ days and counting down we'll be there...just think of the new photo opportunities (wink,wink).