Why do I take pictures of my house, what I'm wearing, and create ,snap, and post what I like to call "eye candy"?? It makes me over the moon happy. When I worked at our local high school my job was answering phones while sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day and now in Santa Barbara I'm certainly not sitting while watching my granddaughters but both jobs are very "customer" oriented. I wanted high school students and parents to be pleased and now I want to make each day a "happy" day for a very precious 3 year old and 1 year old. That being said I like to think I'm a creative person and I crave.need.and want to share the beauty of what's around me. and you. and am delighted when I capture a look. the light. and the moment. and most of the time with things that are sitting in my home,in my closet, or in the back yard. The ultimate goal is to inspire someone out there to see their own beauty. explore. enjoy life. and thank you for allowing me to indulge and share with you.
The bed frame is by Kreiss furniture and I scored it from ebay years ago. The 1920's hat is another ebay find as well as the Bella Notte shams and the vintage mexican top. If I have any advice for anyone thinking ebay is too daunting and there are too many items to look at; I would suggest to narrow your search. Type in exactly what you're looking for (helps to have a name designer), a size, a color and chances are something will pop up that sends you down the rabbit hole searching for more and more...hence the blog title.
There's a farmers market almost everyday in the Santa Barbara area. Flowers, fruits, vegetables are in abundance and we love checking out the differences between the locations and days. This one happened to be in Montecito (where Oprah lives, Drew Barrymore, Rob Lowe) and it was near perfection. Not too big to be daunting (another booth of zucchinis?!) but large enough to have a variety of vendors (hello San Ynez pies and fresh baked breads from Ojai).
We are exploring Santa Barbara this week; hitting the "must sees" and the "should do" so we can share when others come to visit. Such a beautiful city we are in!
There are friends who will casually walk into your life at a time when you need someone who knows what you are going through and then disappear almost as quickly as that life-altering dilemma arrived. Some friends you'll meet for a school or work project with whom you will share little other than the reliability to get the work done and have some delirious overworked and caffeine filled conversations with during the day. And then there are the friends who walk alongside you from the time you meet them until the time that you or they pass away. I was fortunate enough to go spend a long weekend with two of these lifelong friends in Chicago last week. Ann (on the left) was my 4th college roommate my freshman year. yes. 4th. My first was a tennis player. very butch. and we seriously had nothing.nothing. in common. The second was a nymphomaniac. not fun in a dorm room. The third was a delight but went home with medical issues. pregnant? was she pregnant? And then Ann was there with an empty bed. not to be confused with first roommate. but a room that was filled with wit, humor, and tell it like it is street smarts. Plus, this girl could rock any room into a party. Sharon, on the right, was my sorority sister and I just happened to introduce her to her husband of thirty years. Amazing, eh? If you ever needed someone in your corner I would choose Sharon. She would always be by your side through good and bad. She is an Eeyore at times but it only makes her more endearing when things turn out well. This picture was taken on our way to see Sharon's husband play at a summer festival and it was like we were 19 again. and that's the way true friends make you feel. happy. alive. and forever young.
This weekend should be a fun one. Off to Chicago to celebrate my two favorite friends' 30th wedding anniversary! I met Mike when I helped with concerts at my university. We thought we were pretty special meeting Dolly Parton, Kenny Loggins, Emerson Lake and Palmer...and my sorority sister Sharon thought Mike was pretty special when he helped our sorority learn a song and dance routine for "Sigma Sing". For the record we did a medley of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band songs and Mike was in charge of teaching 50 college age young ladies what and when to sing. Sharon asked to meet Mike and I did the introducing and 30 + years later they are still together. Maybe I can get a show on Bravo and match up a few more single friends?!