Do you guys know about chia seed? If you don't...let me fill you in and then go get some (any vitamin/health food store/I buy it in bulk at New Frontiers)'s SO good for you!

Some benefits:
No need to grind Chia Seeds to digest it. It is a relatively easy to digest seed, whereas flax seeds are not. You can stir them in juice, yogurt, throw them in when you're baking or cooking--its nutrients hold up in hot or cold temps.Chia seeds have very little taste, which makes them acceptable to even the most discriminating palate.
Packed inside a tiny chia seed is protein,omega-3 (more than salmon), fiber (um...thank you!), antioxidants (more than blueberries), vitamins and calcium .
Tiny chia seeds don't stop with what's packed inside of them; once eaten, chia seeds provide energy (people are always asking me about this...maybe it's the chia?), lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease, stabilize blood sugar, provide the daily requirements of fiber, vitamins and aid in weight loss (2 tablespoons of Chia = 7 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, 205 milligrams of calcium, 5 grams omega-3)
Try it out this summer--see if you notice a change. And if you were wondering...yep; this is the seed that sprouts on those clay pots you see at the holidays. Who knew?