Recently a couple doors have closed but I'm looking forward to seeing what's happening through the windows...I think it might be better than what was behind the closed door!
look what I found! The "you've seen it everywhere" striped top (did you see Jenna Lyons/J.Crew on Oprah with her stripes and sequins pants? LOVE) that I have several styles of... but none like this. Easy to wear, long, and sings summer. The best part? Hello $12.99
I Am A Girl - The Girls With Glasses Theme Song from The Girls With Glasses on Vimeo.
It's gorgeous out. Considering I have about a weeks worth of sick/personal days and considering I would just be dumping them at the end of the school year in May....I'm taking the day off tomorrow. Husband and I will be enjoying a hike, a picnic, and the weather. Hope your day will be just as fun.
*images via weheartit