Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Did she or didn't she?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

It was and is a beauty and goes splendidly with my Cathy Waterman rings. I bought this Waterman design necklace via Ebay and then I sold this necklace to a woman on Ebay and then I bought this necklace--as in the very first original necklace I had bought-- from the very same woman on Ebay about a year later (same price...great deal) and then recently sold it once more. Color me crazy. If it's meant to be I will probably buy it back in another year.
But, my relationship first started with Cathy Waterman in my search for an anniversary ring. When I first began my quest for Cathy Waterman jewelry, my husband called an upscale department store to inquire if they carried her line. They answered that they carried a few pieces but he should call Miss Waterman to ask which store would have the best choices for me to look at.
Friday, February 23, 2007
You never know who you'll meet

When I told the seller I was going to be traveling to San Francisco, he suggested a lunch with his mother and himself to celebrate the purchase and arrival of the sofa. I thought it was a splendid idea. Although my friends were a bit leery that I would meet a "stranger" in a big city I assured them that things would be fine. After all, his mother was coming along.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Project Runway

In reality, Kara knew that her designs would not really be judged and could go creative crazy with her designs. Tim Gunn said "Kara could have won the whole thing with the decoy collection she presented at fashion week." Her outfits ranged from street-chic -- blazers, T-shirts, skinny cropped trousers -- to edgy elegance. We can only wonder what the judges would have told Janx, whose collection flowed like the softest silk charmeuse from one look to the next.
So, where do I come into play on this? During the season there were auctions on the Project Runway website for the designer's clothing and I won this original Kara Janx dress from Olympus Fashion Week. I felt so fabulous when this one actually fit and looked quite smashing-- but reality hit and I said "where in my tiny town of Arizona am I going to ever wear this lovely gown??" So, I sold it on Ebay...to someone from some tiny town in Georgia who I really hope gets to wear it one day and knock the socks off everyone. Auf Wiedersehen
Monday, February 19, 2007
Those were the days, my friends

Those days were such a learning and great time and it was truly the thrill of the hunt. Ebay introduced me to a creative and talented woman who lives in Washington who started out as "salvage gal" and has evolved into "classic-details".
I have always encouraged Teri to become the interior designer or photographer (this girl can find the most gentle natural light to capture perfection in her photos).Although not as involved as she once was, Teri has always played the game of Ebay for the joy of it. Those were the days, my friends.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Dancing Queen

Although I never wore this dress I had a dress so similar to it in my dancing queen, disco diva days of the 70's that I just felt the need, the want to remember it once more..so, I bid on and won this dress last year. It's handmade lace, off the runway, a Ralph Lauren collection piece and it's stunning. I knew it would need some adjustments (er...um...that is, I would need some adjustments) but I thought if I threw it on with a t-shirt and a jean jacket it could work.
Okay, so the dress didn't fit (certainly not the way it would have 20 years ago...) so after my "reunited, and it feels so good" moment I put it back on Ebay. I'm glad I sold it to recoup the cash for my misty watercolor memory, but would the woman I sold it to be the right fit for the "you can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life" energy that the dress had to offer?
The buyer lived in Vancouver and here is her story via e-mail messages:
"Sorry for the late reply. We spend all our weekends with our children. Saturday was visit to the Aquarium and Science World. Yesterday was to take advantage of all the final markdowns at the stores. Many things were marked down to 70%, then another 20% off on top of that."
So, she sounds like a bargain hunter...no problem..and hmmm..she's very involved with her children. And then...
"Vancouver is really the best city to raise children in. My daughter is 5, and she already skis, sails, skates, cycles, swims, etc. We don’t have TV at home, but we give our children lots of other activities, and books to stimulate their minds.
After the birth of our 2nd child, I have been riding my exercise bike 45-60 minutes a day, plus 520 abs exercises, and light 3 lb weights to get back into shape. I am down to a size 4/6, and should be a 4 by the end of the summer. It is doable, but takes work, and discipline." That's when I knew someone needed a little dancing queen in her life. Maybe this dress just might help her find it.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Lady in Red

I found a beautiful red Roberto Cavalli short flirty dress on ebay from a seller with a stellar feedback rating. She has more than 3000 positive compliments and always has the coolest, up to the moment, hippest designer clothing. She lives in Pacific Palisades, CA area but I know that she must auction off other women's clothes than her own. I mean, who wears size 10 Jimmy Choo sandals along with size 8 Manolo Blahnik mules?
It doesn't really matter to me...I just like her inventory.
I bid on and won an exquisite red dress and the auction did state that there were a couple of spots but the seller was certain that they would come out at the dry cleaners. No problem. The dress arrived, fit perfectly, but true to her word I did see some spots on the skirt of the dress. No problem. I took the dress to my local dry cleaners, explained the problem and was told to pick it up in two days. I went to pick it up in two days. Problem.
I was asked to go to the BACK of the dry cleaners. The back of the dry cleaners? Who goes there?? Where they do the work, the pre-spotting, the pressing? I felt like all eyes were on me as I traveled through racks and bags of clothes. I met Dorothy who is the pre-spot expert and it was then I felt like I was being interrogated by the government's secret service.
"Is this your dress?"
I answered, "Yes"
"Do you know this dress has these stains on the front?"
"Yes, I do...I was hoping you could get them out."
It was then I spilled my guts. No, I didn't know...I had bought the dress on Ebay and the seller told me there were spots but I just assumed it was champagne from a joyous night of celebration by the woman who had worn the dress before me.
Dorothy told me how she had pre-spotted for alcohol, for food products, for make-up, there was only one thing it could be and she didn't know if it would come out.
"What is the stain, Dorothy?" I was more than curious at this point.
"Well.." she began in slow manner, "it's an organic material"
I thought to myself. Organic? That's good, isn't it? Organic is good, right?
Dorothy continued, "I believe there might be grass stains..." (hmmm..the woman must have slipped while wearing the dress? It could happen...) "along with some type of bodily fluids..."
I thought I would die...ewwwwwwwwwwww!
"Dorothy, are you saying that after this woman had a few glasses of champagne she maybe had sex somewhere on a lawn??!!"
Dorothy told me how she had tried spot removers for vomit and other disgusting "organic" fluids but if I knew that it was bodily fluids it would make her job easier.
I again repeated how I had no idea how the stains got there (was she wanting me to take a DNA test??! Did she believe me?!) and perhaps it was best if I just returned the dress to the original seller.
I ran out with the dress, packed it up, shipped it off, completely grossed out the seller of the dress with my story and was immediately refunded my original price, shipping, and dry cleaning bills. She received another positive, perfect, feedback comment from me. I'm not sure what she did with the dress...hmmm.
Monday, February 12, 2007
I just adore a penthouse view

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Katie do, Katie did
Saturday, February 10, 2007
a spade by any other name

Bid and won Kate Spade handbag.
Now this is where the story gets good.
I checked the obituaries.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
va va voom girl

So here I am after a hard day at the office. Just kidding...but had you going there now didn't I?
Actually, I own this dress. I bid on and won this dress. This FABULOUS dress in this beautiful color with the mermaid swish fish tail. This dress by none other than Zac Posen. This dress that doesn't fit over my hips??!!@##!!!
So, why did I buy this most splendid frock that doesn't fit? I actually did think it was going to fit...you know, after I lost that 10 pounds... and then I was planning to wear it to my 25th high school reunion and show all of those midwesterners what this girl is made of....that's right. And then I was going to get John Travolta to help me with that bucket of pigs blood and....sorry... flashbacks of that infamous 70's movie. Really...my high school years were great--just like everyone elses :)
So, now it is tucked away for that one day when who knows? Maybe I just may have to slip it on for a night on the town....va va voom.
you light up my life
my mother
This has to be one of my favorites. It is a warm, soft, honey color that you can almost taste on the tip of your tongue with the curves of a big, bosomy woman that you want to hug till there's nothing left to hug...perfection.She's designed by Ralph Widdicombe, a nephew of John Widdicomb of the Widdicomb Furniture Company. For 50+ years all Widdicomb furniture was designed by Ralph until his retirement in 1951 and Mr. Widdicombe (who always retained the old English spelling of his name ending with an "e") was the first to introduce the United States to the French Provincial designs of furniture....go Ralph!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
It's like the Starbucks of the internet...

You see, I’m an EBayaholic. My friends are always amazed at the things I have bought on this mother of all auction sites. From clothing to clocks to antique leather chairs that fill my house, I have found and bid on them. I find that EBay is much more than just an auction internet house. It truly is an amazing phenomenon in our world and one that nobody could have guessed would be here 10 years ago. It’s like the Starbucks of the internet. It’s easy, quick, and people get addicted.
Every auction tells a story. Naturally most are about the item that is being auctioned off but there are many untold stories about the buyer and seller that we’ll never know. The people that I have become acquainted with and the friendly e-mails we have exchanged all make the winning that much sweeter. I have been fortunate to meet several sellers of items I have bought on Ebay.
Every auction has a story and this one is based on mine .